The recruitment and selection process in HRM is considered to be the crucial step of any company’s development process. They are investing in resources and would definitely want good returns. Though there is no definitive guide for the exact steps for a recruitment process, they can be divided into stages that are essential and deciding factors.
Let us see what these different stages are what their implications contribute the HR’s perspective development.
Hiring needs
Before you even make a strategy, these are the first questions you need to ask. What quality, skills and experience level you are looking for and what sort of engagement with the industry you want in the candidates.
You should be aware of the hiring budget for marketing and pay-role statistics beforehand to communicate your needs and thoughts fluently.
Candidate Sourcing
Sourcing is the first stage in action in the recruitment process. You should be a gatherer of job seekers, but a hunter of talent sources. Human resources technology has developed enough to help you out in this area.
It could be social or professional, depending on the hiring needs and methods you have decided. There are platforms like ATS software where you don’t have to manually pick your candidates resumes, but the intelligent machine learning and AI does the job for you.
Screening test for jobs
HR tech has made the job of screening more efficient. There are assessment tools for recruiting that help with every need in a smart way, through AI and Big Data. Candidate assessment tools include proctored tests, non-technical and technical tests, psychometrics test and comprehensive reports of all the analytics measured.
Live Interviewing
Yes, we have intentionally used the word “live”, because it can be a face-to-face interview or a video or call interview for this stage. Today’s changing world demands a fast and convenient mode of communication.
This stage will show you the real potential of a candidate and suitability for the company. Scheduling an in-house interview session isn’t feasible for all situations. Thus, it would be beneficial if you build the right atmosphere.
Job Offer Releasing
In this stage, offers are released to the shortlisted candidates, but as you may know, not all are accepted. It is a practice to send some buffer ones out. But this may not become a problem if you have testes the candidate well before sending an offer. It saves you time and reputation.
Final Onboarding
Hiring isn’t finished until this stage. You need to make sure he or she is retained in the initial probation. To do so you need to ensure that the candidate feels wanted and welcomed in the organization.
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